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Media and partners kit

Please help us amplify our social impact by spreading our messages and sharing our events with as many people as possible!

About the NPO 🌿

Since 2006, the mission of the NPO ECOSPHERE is to inform and raise public awareness of the environmental challenges that affect us collectively and to offer sustainable solutions to reduce our ecological footprint.

Through the organization of the largest ecological fairs in Quebec, the mission is to create meeting places and exchanges where sustainable alternatives, products, services, organizations and technologies are promoted, for our health and that of the planet. We believe that together, it’ s possible to accelerate the ecological transition and to get closer to carbon neutrality.

Here are the 4 main values of the NPO :

  1. Eco-responsibility : Because awareness of our ecological footprint is the first step towards the ecological transition.
  2. Accessibility : Because in order to move forward, we must all be informed and understand the realities of the ecological crisis.
  3. Social cohesion : Because the dialogue between all the actors of the community is necessary to go in the same direction.
  4. Empowerment : Because we trust the citizens of our community and believe that they have the power to actively contribute to the ecological transition.

Communication standards

Here are some guidelines to follow in all communications about ECOSPHERE :

  1. Correct use of the organization’s name: ECOSPHERE (in capital letters)
  2. Refer to ECOSPHERE as a non-profit organization.
  3. Logos to download (must be used as is, contact us for other formats if needed):

Press Release 📰

Press review 📰

Download the press reviews of our different fairs during the year:

> Green Tech Festival

> Gatineau Fair

> Magog Fair

Communication Guides 💬

Here are communication guides for each of our 5 events that provide all the necessary information for your communications.

Contact 📞

For additional information, here are the contacts:

Éric Ferland, General manager and founding member 

📱 450-525-4004


Estelle Guidez, Communication Agent

📱 450-204-6336

✉ communication@foireecosphere.org

Welcome to ECOSPHERE fair !
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