Ville de Magog
The city of Magog, located in the Eastern Townships, is known for its breathtaking landscapes, its hilly roads, its warm accommodations and its unique gourmet experiences. At the heart of the MRC de Memphrémagog, the Magog-Orford tourist center is well known to visitors thanks to the majestic Lake Memphrémagog, Mount Orford and the unique character of downtown Magog. The City of Magog is committed to protecting and preserving the environment. Equipped with an Environmental Policy and Action Plan, a GHG Reduction Plan and a Climate Change Adaptation Plan as well as an Eco-responsible Events Policy, it will materialize in 2023. the development of an island of freshness, the Espace Saint-Luc.
Address : 520, Saint-Luc
City : Magog
Province : Québec
Email :
Phone : 819 843-3333 poste 524
Web site :
Address : 520, Saint-Luc
City : Magog
Province : Québec
Email :
Phone : 819 843-3333 poste 524
Web site :