IA Groupe Financier
SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTING Socially responsible investing (SRI), also known as ESG or sustainable funds, is about making a difference in our lives, our society and our environment, without compromising on returns! This makes it possible to invest in companies that respect your values and help build a sustainable world for you and your family. We are proud to present a wide range of ESG funds for your financial goals, your retirement, your children’s education, and more. A perfect balance between your values and your financial goals, whatever your budget!
Address : 24, Boulevard Saint-Raymond, Suite 300
City : Gatineau
Province : Québec
Email : g.laplante@agc.ia.ca
Phone : 819 213-1232
Web site : ia.ca/
Address : 24, Boulevard Saint-Raymond, Suite 300
City : Gatineau
Province : Québec
Email : g.laplante@agc.ia.ca
Phone : 819 213-1232
Web site : ia.ca/